Al caer el atardecer en Valle Escondido, el bosque y sus animales nocturnos despiertan.
El Tour Nocturno Valle Escondido fue uno de los primeros en Costa Rica, comenzando hace veinticuatro años. Aun siendo uno de los mejores, nuestros guías altamente experimentados llevan a los visitantes por la noche a presenciar la magia de la actividad nocturna del bosque. A diferencia de otros operadores, trabajamos con grupos de tamaño limitado y recorridos por noche limitados para reducir el impacto en el hábitat natural. Por favor reserve con anticipación. El transporte no está incluido.
Hides during the day in bromeliads, but emerges at dusk. Usually seen at night, perched at low vegetation. Male produces a chuckling harsh trill.
May be active in day or night; eats invertebrates, fruit and carrion. Is a good swimmer; crosses streams by gulping air and floating across. Female gives birth to genetically identical quadruplets, which are susceptible to human diseases.
Migrates from October to April. Usually on or near ground in mature wet forest, or advanced second growth, but also forages on trails at dawn and dusk. When alarmed utters a quick 'pik pik.'
Small and abundantly found. Found often in leaf litter, and also leaves and trees. Eats a variety of invertebrates or insects.
Nocturnal and arboreal, spends daylight hours coiled on tree roots, branches or bromeliads. Bears litters of live young of up to nineteen.
Can migrate great distances. Lays eggs on a tropical plant that is toxic; the caterpillars that eat the plants are then unpalatable to predators. Adult butterflies are feed on toxic flowers, the alkaloids of which are converted to pheromones by the males to attract females.