Early morning in the pristine forest of Valle Escondido is the perfect opportunity for visitors to go bird watching.
This virgin, protected valley, is a corridor for many beloved birds of Costa Rica, including the white-eared brown sparrow, keel-billed toucan, blue-crowned motmot, the endangered bellbird, and many more.

Migrates to Costa Rica from September to April. Can fly alone or in mixed species flocks.

The males assemble together at a traditional site where they vie for the attention of females through competitive vocal displays and choreographed dance performances.

Inhabits forest and semi-open areas. The call is a dry frog-like croak, repeated at length.

Often seen at the edge of 'Savage Brook.' Roosts fairly low in dense vegetation. Calls with deep muffled notes followed by two loud notes and an additional muffled note.

Active in low-middle levels of forest especially in vine-tangles. An old male and a young male usually pair up by performing synchronised vocalisations and a courtship dance, in which each male leap-frogs the other on a branch, to attract females.

Nests in a tree cavity or a hole carved by another species. Found on all levels of canopy. Feeds on fruits, small animal prey, birds eggs and nestlings.

Seen in the Preserve at Sendero Canyon in river Quebrada Maquina. Emits a far-carrying forlorn rising whistle lasting about one second.

Inhabits middle levels of wet forest, forest edges and nearby pastures with tall trees. Alone, in pairs or sometimes small groups.

Multiple couples nest in a long burrow, sharing the role of protecting the eggs and young.

Often perches conspicuously in treetops. Likes figs, insects and small lizards. Called the Pajaro Chancho (pig bird) because of its oink-like calls.

Fairly common at middle elevations from 700 to 2000 meters. Forages in middle to upper levels of forest. Often at lower levels adjacent to second growth and gardens.
6 am - 9:30 am
Adults: $95
Students: $90
(under 5 y/o free)
Private: $150
Nationals: $90
Minimum 2 people
Binoculars not included
Reserve in advance